All of my games are available on

Selected projects below

A Night for Flesh and Roses

Insert screenshots, documentation, gameplay footage, carosel of assets + character animations, artist statement and description here. See if you can embed a download link directly here instead of redirecting to

Will you follow me? team project

Insert video documentation, link to website (do multiple pages to show off different elements), statement and description

Before the Moon Rises. team project

Screenshots, description, embed link to play in browser, role (writer and illustrator) as well as credits to other people involved in the project, put unused character animation in video tab

Son of Dathomir

Screenshots, embed to play in browser, description, carosel of "cutscene" splash images

Bloodsucking Blues

Description, see if download can be embedded in this page, screenshots and gameplay footage

Daughters of Memory. team project (may or may not include this one)

Embed link to download, description, screenshots, gameplay footage, role in team (writer and 3d artist)